The Clothesline Report has been favored with contributions
from some really good birders since we started writing. I don’t count myself among them. But every
spring, I marvel at the birds that visit Good Hand Farm. The barn swallows
always come back to hatch their young in the barn – and mercilessly dive at us
when we come too near. The iridescent blue tree swallows do the same in bird
houses along our fences. The great blue heron always comes back to fish in the
stream that borders our fields. And a harrier hawk inevitably manages to get
one of our chickens, despite the vigilance of our fearless rooster.
There is no end to the display of the creation’s wonders in
the avian migration that wends its way to our home.
And yet, I think our favorite of all are the killdeer.
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Killdeer come to the farm to nest in the fields |
In case you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing one yourself,
killdeer are small ground-nesting shorebirds that are drawn to tilled farmland
habitats, which help conceal their exposed eggs. Every spring when we till
ground, a few pairs will nest right among the row-crops. Of course, we can’t abandon the fields to
them entirely, and that’s what makes for the fun. It’s amazing how well camouflaged those
little eggs are. But we don’t much fear
stepping on them, because the killdeer run around loudly warning us when we
come into the territory they’ve claimed for themselves.
When we get too close to the unseen nest, the killdeer entertain
us with their broken-wing routine. With
mostly white and black plumage, they writhe nearby on the ground and expose the
bright auburn feathers of an apparently broken wing, calling out
piteously. Of course, in nature this behavior
draws away predators approaching the nest, and the broken wing becomes
instantly as good as new.
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"Injured" killdeer: predators can't resist the display |
Several years ago, however, I was cultivating ground with my
old Allis-Chalmers tractor, and the thrum of the diesel engine drowned out all
the overtures of the alarmed killdeer mother.
I was unwittingly bearing down on the exposed nest, when the unheeded bird
resorted to the most desperate measure of all.
She flew directly into the path of the tractor, landed in front of her
nest, and spread out her wings to make herself as big and fearsome as she could
manage, screaming at me in full throat.
With only a few yards to spare, it finally dawned on me what was going
on, and the diesel came to a halt.
Nest saved. A tiny half-pound bird staring down a tractor
weighing several tons.
It’s remarkable what we can learn from the creatures around
us, isn’t it? Martin Luther thought so, at least. In his Commentary on the Sermon on the
Mount, he wrote that God “is making the birds our schoolmasters and
teachers.” He added, “We have as many teachers and preachers as there are
little birds in the air.”
Wherever you live, I hope you get out this spring and take
special notice of the littlest creatures around you. You and I were created to
be earth-keepers: protectors and stewards of all the creation. But more often than not, it works the other way around: it’s the little wild
creatures that inspire and enrich us.
Thanks for reading, and God bless you.
J. Elwood
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These killdeer eggs should be pretty easy to see, right? |
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Look again: What we see from 6' away in the asparagus |
Wow, love this! I started "birding" last year as an extension of photography and am having such fun. If you're game, I'd love to come see your kildeers!
Come on over!